Celtic Waves

Founded 2018

Co. Limerick

How to use ClubZap when Person on Duty to check forms and record attendance

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*** Updated December 2021***

As you know you will be required to act as Person on Duty to support the coaches and act as the COVID Officer for training sessions each term.

As part of that role you are required to record attendance both for club records and in case follow up contact tracing is required under COVID-19 Swim Ireland protocols. This task can be performed through the app.

When you are scheduled to be Person on Duty, you will be made a group admin temporarily. Once you are made an admin your view of the event in the app will change. If you happen to be acting as Person on Duty but are not seeing the links and options below on your screen, just contact the club COVID Officer, Morgan Lyons on 086 8129105 or ask a coach for assistance on the day .

Recording attendance is quite straightforward.

First off in the session window you will see a new link ”View all responses”

When you click on this link, you be able to see who has replied. On that next screen, then click on “View attendance” at the bottom of the screen.

When you click on "View attendance“, you will then be presented with a list of people from the group. To record attendance, just tap the box to the right of the swimmer/attendees name. You can do them all at once when the session has started or you can go back in later to record any late comers etc. When you are finished just click “Done” at the bottom of the screen.

New requirement: In the interests of having accurate attendance lists we would ask all Persons on Duty to confirm the final list of attendees with the coach before they leave the pool area

I hope that all makes sense. Let me know if you have any problems or questions!

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