Celtic Waves

Founded 2018

Co. Limerick

Fees and Timetable Term 2 2021-2022

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Hi Everyone

We are now in a position to confirm our fees and timetable for the current swimming term. We hoped to get this out earlier in the month but it was delayed by uncertainties around covid 19 among other things. Thankfully it looks like the virus will have less and less influence over us as this term progresses.

The club has a few new members which is always a good thing and I'm sure they will be made feel welcome in their squad groups. The club also has a slightly altered squad structure with the addition of two new groups the Junior National 1 and Junior National 2 groups. The addition of these groups will help the coaches design training programmes suited to the development of all the swimmers in the club.

Here is a link to the new timetable.

It is very similar to the old one but there is a little bit of variation in which squads are swimming in which sessions. Please note that for Senior Provincials they can attend either the Friday morning or Sunday afternoon session but not both. We'll be monitoring numbers in these sessions so that we don't end up with too many swimmers in the pool.

Valerie will email out individual links for fee payment via ClubZap. ClubZap is definitely our preferred method to receive all fees. If this presents difficulties please get in touch with us. Once again there is a staged payment facility so that you can choose to pay in three instalments. Morgan will follow up with a message explaining how this works.

The new timetable also provides good opportunities for the squads to mix and get to know each other. As things open up we'll be organising occasional social activities and we also hope there will be more galas so that all the swimmers can enjoy more of the benefits of being a part of a swimming club.

Happy swimming,


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