***Hello all, just a quick reminder to members that Term 3 fees are now due, please see below***
Hello everyone,
The term 3 fees have now been agreed. There was a slight delay in confirming these as were trying to finalise the finish date for some squads.
The next term will run from April 4th to June 24, 14 weeks. We have had some new members join during April and all of you have been contacted separately regarding fees so please pay via the link emailed to you as opposed to the links below.
As with last term's training fees there are two options for how to pay:
1) Full Payment upfront
2) Payment via 3 instalments which will see payment debited automatically on a monthly basis based off the original payment date. (e.g: Payment on 1st February, 2nd payment on 1/3 and 3rd payment on 1/4)
Both the full payment and monthly payment options are available by clicking the relevant links below or via the app by clicking on the "Clubhouse" button at the bottom of the screen and then clicking on the Club Shop. Simply click on the relevant squad for your swimmer, fill in the small form on the next page and then the option to pay all or by monthly instalments will be on the next page.
Note: The monthly option will act like a direct debit on to your credit card each month so once you sign up it will automatically be deducted each month (3 payments total, so you do not need to remember to do it or fill in a form each time). If it fails on a given month, the card owner will get a series of automatic email notifications with options to change the card on their account if it is out of date etc.
Senior Nationals Term 3: €498.75 - To pay click here
Senior Provincials Term 3: €472.50 - To pay click here
Junior Nationals Term 3: €446.25 - To pay click here
JN Groups 1 Term 3: €325.00 - To pay click here
JN Group 2 Term 3: €315.00 - To pay click here
Junior Provincials Term 3: €266.00 - To pay click here
Retention Term 3: €299.25 - To pay click here
If you are unsure as to what squad your swimmer is in, please consult with your coach. Valerie will also be emailing all members in the coming days with the specific link for your swimmers group.
Many thanks.
Celtic Waves Committee